So you want to be a VA: a low cost podcast taster
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Get started for the price of a coffee!
Working from home is a dream for many - and being a virtual assistant is just one of the many ways to do so.
Being a virtual assistant is not a way to get rich quick (although you can earn plenty!) and it's not all sitting on the couch in your pyjamas (although there can be plenty of that, too!)
In this nine-episode podcast I set out to provide as much information as possible about being a virtual assistant so you could make an informed decision. I interview currently trading virtual assistants, as well as their clients for a great overview of the work involved and expectations.
This audio is exclusive to Teachable -- it is no longer available on iTunes or other podcast channels.
Your Instructor

I’m Liz Pulo (that’s me to the left looking fancy), and I’m the owner and founder of So you want to be a VA, and was previously "Boss Lady" behind The Virtual Assistant.
I’ve been a virtual assistant for several years. My employment background is pretty varied – I’ve done call centre work, call-out IT support, eLearning… I even had a stint at LEGO doing logistics and order management, and worked in an ice cream factory as an office manager (and did plenty of “taste testing”.)
When I worked at the ice cream factory I was convinced that I wanted out of the normal 9-5 “daytime” environment. I had a short stint as a pastry chef apprentice (which didn’t quite suit me either!), before I found out about virtual assistance.
To my surprise, I’d already been a virtual assistant for some time… I just had no idea that it was a thing you could charge for! My friends and family can attest that I’m a helper and an organiser. Outside of my normal work, I was (and am!) always helping my friends and family with their side projects, getting things organised, updating websites and so on.
But when I came across a website about virtual assistants, I realised it had a name, it was a real ‘thing’ and that I could make a living from it.
I joined The Virtual Assistant as a licensee and generalist VA, and by the end of the year was approached to take over the business in it’s entirety. Never one to turn down a challenge, of course I said yes. The Virtual Assistant had 10 virtual assistants as licensees as well as myself.
In 2015 – coinciding with an offer of remote employment by my favourite client – I sold ‘The Virtual Assistant’ business to one of my fabulous VAs, and set about creating a course for those who wanted to be a virtual assistant but didn’t know where to start.
Being a virtual assistant – no matter what you specialise in – is hard work, but I believe that achieving success is absolutely possible, and my business – and current career – is proof of that.
I’m looking forward to helping you start your business!